The Great Lent

The Great Lent, Holy Week and Easter once again witnessed the unity of the members of our parish. We worked together in everything, everyone being aware of the needs, contributed towards the Church, arranging the needs of the worship to make it heavenly, arranging evening prayer during the Holy Week, and a lot more. Our unity and togetherness makes the people around us glorify our Lord. On Palm Sunday our Fr Happy Jacob’s service was grateful. All Glory be to the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.

By God’s grace and the prayers of the believers, the entire Passion Week was a spiritual and enriching experience. The presence of our beloved Thirumeni and his spiritual message made this year’s Passion Week a truly blessed one. Let us all continue to uphold the spirit of sacrifice, hope and salvation in our lives throughout the year.

Passion week services

Our passion week services will be celebrated by Idukki diocese metropolitan H .G .Mathews Mar Theodosius who has arrived on 29/03/2010 at 1.30pm Manchester airport and welcomed by our committee members, a detailed media report is available.


Maundy Thursday (Pesaha) service will be on 31st March 2010 from 4.30 pm to 8PM at St Anthony's RC Primary School Hall, Dunkery Road, Wythenshawe, M22 0NT. Car parking aviliable at school ground, Please follow Culmere road, M22 1WA.

Date Service Venue
31th March 2010 Maundy Thursday(Pesaha) – 04.30 pm to 8pm St Anthony's RC Primary School, Dunkery Road, Wythenshawe, M22 0NT
02nd April 2010 Good Friday – 08am to 5 pm. St Anthony's RC Primary School, Dunkery Road, Wythenshawe, M22 0NT
03rd April 2010 Holy Saturday –10am to 12.30pm St Anthony's RC Primary School, Dunkery Road, Wythenshawe, M22 0NT
04th April 2010 Easter – 09 am to 1 pm. St Anthony's RC Primary School, Dunkery Road, Wythenshawe, M22 0NT
11th April 2010 No Holy mass church committee meeting at St Elizabeth church Hall at 2.30pm
25th April 2010 Holy Qurbana& Sunday school new year starting day
St Elizabeth R C Church, Lomond Road, Manchester, M22 5JB


Mid Lent - Reading St john 3:13-21

No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man. Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son. This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God."

Jesus stating his coming days to his disciple quoting from the Old Testament. God sent his son to save the world. We go through this message many times Till now we are in the darkness. We can understand from this passage: if we say we love God , we should walk in light and truth. We have to know the effects of light and darkness in this world. Our purpose is to show the light to all others around us. Like the moon glow in the dark gaining light from the sun we also gain the light from God to shine in this world.

By Thy light we see the light,
Jesus, full of light,
Thou, true light, dost give the light
To thy creatures all
Lighten us with thy gay light,
Thou the Father's light divine

Thou who dwellest in the light
Mansions holy, pure
Keep us from all hateful thoughts
From all passions vile,
Grant us cleanness in our hearts
Deeds of righteousness to do

Prayer: O Lord, in this holy lent enable us to renounce all evils, reconcile with your

Godliness, love one another, and to receive mercy and forgiveness of sin. O Messiah the King, in that great day of your revelation, all generations will enter and you will judge and separate the good from the wicked; everyone will move to their appropriate place; when the fiery ocean will roar, may your mercy protect us. Amen

Fr Happy Jacob


Upcomming events

Updated: Below is a list of events for our church during the comming weeks. Please note that the venue of the Holy Week services will be St Anthony's RC Primary School, Dunkery Road, Wythenshawe, M22 0NT.


Date Time Service Venue
28th February 2010 01:30pm Holy Qurbana
Sundayschool Exam
St Elizabeth R C Church
Lomond Road
M22 5JB

14th March 2010 01:30pm Holy Qurbana
Sunnday School Annuversary
St Elizabeth R C Church
Lomond Road
M22 5JB

28th March 2010 09:00 am to 01:00 pm Palm Sunday(Hosanna) St Anthony's RC Primary School
Dunkery Road
M22 0NT

31th March 2010 04:00pm to 8:00pm Maundy Thursday(Pesaha) St Anthony's RC Primary School
Dunkery Road
M22 0NT

02nd April 2010 08:00am to 05:00 pm Good Friday St Anthony's RC Primary School
Dunkery Road
M22 0NT

03rd April 2010 03:00pm to 08:00 pm Holy Saturday St Anthony's RC Primary School
Dunkery Road
M22 0NT

04th April 2010 09:00am to 01:00 pm Easter St Anthony's RC Primary School
Dunkery Road
M22 0NT

11th April 2010 No service

25th April 2010 01:30pm Holy Qurbana
Sunday School - Academic year starting
St Elizabeth R C Church
Lomond Road
M22 5JB


Christmas Carol

The Christmas Carol was a great success this year. The church would like to thank every body who participated in the Carol services. As we know it was difficult weather conditions in United Kingdom for the last few weeks. The group got a warm welcome from all the families.


Please watch a video of our Carol.